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Carriage Return aborts XML Import

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:50 am
by eph
Hi all,

I'm facing a strange problem using XML Input stage.

A value contains two special characters CR/LF coded via xml 1.0 white space convention :
 for CR
 for LF

The LF char works fine while CR aborts xml import, giving back the following warning :

Code: Select all

XML_PXML_PRJ,0: Warning: Jx_FI_T_ME_DESANA_001.XMLI_OR: 'D' is an invalid Unicode scalar value.
My NLS is UTF8 and so is the xml file. I'm running on a redhat server, but I can't figure out why the job aborts, since value 000D is known by the system (bellow return of NLS.ADMIN command line on the system).

Code: Select all

Description of code points in the Unicode character set
(Hex) Description................................. Block Name.............. Blk

000D  <control> + M (CR)                           CONTROL SET 0              1

000A  <control> + J (LF)                           CONTROL SET 0              1
I didn't find anything about it on the net but maybe someone already faced this issue.
