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Db2 Z loader - Issue

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 1:44 pm
by dsuser_cai

I have a job that reads data from a data set (10 fields) and then passes thro transformer (im propagating only 4 fields to output), then i use a Z-loader stage (DB2 Bulk load) to load into the table. The job completes with Status = "Finished". I dont see any warnings or fatal errors, no message handlers used. And when i check the table, the data looks correct. but when i call this job in the main sequence its failing.
There is no detailed error message or warning, but this is what i get from the Director Logs:

SequenceName.InvocationID.JobControl (JobName): Errors in Job

Fatal Error:
Job Aborted after 1 errors logged.

Attempting to Cleanup after ABORT raised in job EE_SEQ_ADV_TPC_DATA_ACQUISITION_EXT.ADVANTAGE_TPC.JobControl

Can somebody help me with this?


Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 5:13 pm
by dsuser_cai

I tried these, and looks like its working fine now.

1) I replaced the z-loader with the DB2 connector stage - this works fine.

2) I deleted the job and re-created the entire load job again. This time i used the same z-loader (DB2 bulk loading) stage. and the job is working fine. Not sure what happened in the background...

Can anybody share your experience....


Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 5:17 pm
by qt_ky
I don't know the reason there, but the Connector stages are the preferred support way to go. The Connectivity Guide for DB2 will mention that in chapter 2.