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Number of jobs running

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 8:32 am
by nagarjuna
Hello All ,

I am working on a cluster environment . We have 4 servers . Server1 is the conductor node ( 8.5 engine & WAS are installed ) .Server2 , Server3 , Server4 have engine installed . There are some projects deployed in server1 , server2 , server3 , server4 . I want to know at any given point what are all the jobs running on all the servers .

Is it not sufficient to execute ps -aef | grep DSD.RUN on server1 ( which hosts WAS & Engine ) to find all the jobs running on all the servers ?


Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 8:56 am
by PaulVL
"Is it not sufficient to execute ps -aef | grep DSD.RUN on server1 ( which hosts WAS & Engine ) to find all the jobs running on all the servers ? "

We can't answer that for you.

You could obtain a list of all of the jobs for each project. You could parse out your PS connad to find the job name, then compare it to your list of jobs/project. It's not the best approach, but you could get a crude way of listing "who's on".

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 9:20 am
by jwiles
Based on your description, you have multiple engine installations registered with the Services tier (WAS), and projects are deployed on engines.

Running the command line you provided on server1 will only show jobs which were submitted by the engine tier on server1. I believe you will need to run the command on each of the engine tiers to see the jobs running on all servers.


Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:53 pm
by nagarjuna
Thanks james for your response .

So , suppose there is a project on engine2 ( server2 ) & there are 2 jobs running in that project . Do you mean to say that we won't be able to see those two job processes on Server1 ( WAS , conductor node ) ??

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:11 pm
by jwiles
Unless I have either misunderstood your description, or if you have incorrectly described the architecture of your installation to me, you have four separate engine installations, each with their own set of projects.

In your example, engine 2 owns the project in which the two jobs exist and are running. The DSD.RUN processes will execute on that server--they are DS Server processes--in this case server2. You will not see those on any of the other engine servers.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 8:08 am
by nagarjuna
Appreciate your inputs James .Till now , I thought that when ever we are running a job on any engine, The DSD.RUN process will show up on server where WAS & Engine are installed . Thanks once again for clarifying

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 8:29 am
by jwiles
Keep in mind that my answer is based upon the topology you have described: separate engine installations (that is you physically ran the installer on each server to install the engine tier, not just copied the engine binaries from another server), each engine individually registered to WAS and each housing a separate set of projects. The engine/server which owns the project is the one on which the DSD.RUN processes will be seen for jobs within that project.


Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 8:52 am
by nagarjuna
Got it :)