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Xml-Input Stage Processes only one Oracle CLOB at time

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:50 am
by anusha
I have a source system which stores XML message in Oracle database as CLOB. I'm trying to read the CLOB messages and loading them into another table in tabular form columns.

To acheive it - am reading data from Oracle connector and processing them as XML Data through XML Input Stage. Now the issue here is - If I've 10 CLOB Messages in Database, Orale Connector reads all 10 but XML Input Stage processes only one CLOB and ignores others.

Can any one point where am going wrong? Do you people think it's job design issue or any setup issue, at job level?

Kindly suggest your ideas.

Thanks - Anusha

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 7:49 am
by eostic
Are each of the 10 seen downstream as individual rows?.....the xmlInput Stage is going to parse out the xml on each "row" as known to the DS engine.....if you take out the xmlInput Stage and put in, say, a transformer or other stage that can at least pass the CLOB, do you see "10" rows in the final stats for that link?


Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 12:22 pm
by anusha
If I replace XML Input stage with Sequential file, I could see 10 Messages. But whenI bring back XML Input Stage, I could see data coming from only one message not from all 10 messages.

Over all, it processig only first message, and remaining 9 are not getting processed.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 6:23 pm
by eostic
The xmlInput Stage is very consistent...the CLOBs might be screwing it up, but I doubt are some things to check...

a) are you certain that it is only reading the first one? Keep in mind that "downstream" you won't be able to easily will just keep parsing and sending out "rows" based on your xpath in the output link(s).

b) are you certain that it's pushing 10 rows? don't go according to the sequential stage --- look at the stats of the job and the performance values on the link. The sequential file could easily be storing CRLFs or something and you'd still "see" 10 rows in say, notepad.

c) test a separate job that "reads" the 10 rows from the sequential file, and sends "those" to the xmlInput Stage.
