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How to make Parallel Routine Environment Independent

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 3:44 pm
by just4geeks

We have a Parallel Custom Routine:
Routine Name: ParllelRoutineZreplace1
Type: External Function
Object Type: Object
Library Path: /opt/IBM/dev/

Now the issue is whenever we need to move the code using this routine to other environment, we have to recompile the job every time to take new Library Path. (for example: /opt/IBM/QA/

How can we make this routine work without recompilation. We generally move binaries and do not compile code in non-dev environments.
is there a way to parametrize the path in Routine? or do we have a way so that the absolute Library path need not be defined in routine?

Thanks for help in advance.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 5:54 am
by eph

Did you try to set the path in an environment variable that you can call directly or set in a parameter set?
If I'm not wrong, for each modification of the routine (as I recall code change and also for path change) you have to recompile all jobs depending on it.
