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Logic for doing LIKE operation between columns in two files

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:37 pm
by Rakesh311
Hi Guys,

I have a requirement to do Like operation between two columns in two files.

We have to do all types of like such as

inputColumn like '%Ref.Column'
inputColumn like 'Ref.column%'
'%inputCoulmn' like Ref.Column etc.

Since both the input and ref file contains large volume of data, joining and then doing the substring operation is taking much time also consuming huge amount of disk space.

So please advice me if we can use any better solution for this

Rakesh K

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:43 am
by Rakesh311
I am thinking of creating a buildop stage which can do the like operation.

which can have one input and one ref. link.

Am pretty new to the build op stage...can any one advice me on doing it...

thanks in advance
