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No warning/error when data does not match schema definition

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:21 am
by evee1
My load job is a generic job that uses Column Import stage, a schema file (passed as a parameter) and RCP to load the data from a source file into the target table.
The test schema file contains the following definition:

Code: Select all

record { final_delim=end, delim='|', quote=none, null_field='' } (
abc:nullable string[max=4];
xyz:nullable string[max=120];
If a source file contains strings that exceed the size of the columns, my job jus happily truncates and loads the data.There is no error or warning reported.
Is it possible to make Datastage to complain when the source data does not match the schema, in case of trsings?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:26 pm
by evee1
Also is there any documentation that would explain well what can be defined in the schema file, specifically record header and field options.
I search through online documentation, Red Books and documentation that comes with Datastage, but could not find any.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 3:56 pm
by evee1
We have contacted IBM and we were advised to set the environment variable $APT_IMPORT_REJECT_STRING_FIELD_OVERRUNS to TRUE. This causes records with character strings not fitting the schema definition to be sent to the reject link.