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How to handle this logic?

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:46 am
Structure of my table is:

Code: Select all

The reqirement is for a particular Acct_no if the there are multiple Rec_no and if the difference between rec_no is 1 then I need to take the record with lowest rec_no. Also the column Descript will have the concatenated value of all Descript column for the same Acct_no. Also if the difference between Rec_no is not 1 then that record should treated as new record.
So my output will look like

Code: Select all

100|9|AACC           --(Diff. between 10 and 9 is 1)
100|7|DD             --(Diff. between 9 and 7 is not 1)
101|18|BBEEFF        --(Diff. between 20,19 then 18 is 1)
102|30|GG            --(Single record) 
I have tried different logics in transformer using stage variables like checking old and new value etc but it is of no use.

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 2:45 am
by pandeesh

Code: Select all

How you are checking the difference as 1?
With the previous record or the first record in the group?

Re: How to handle this logic?

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:07 am
by prasson_ibm

You can achieve this output by below design:-

Seq Input---->Sort----->Transformer---->Filter------>Seq Output

Step1:- Read data from seq. file.

Step2:- Sort input data based on Acct_no(desc) and Rec_No(asc)

Step3:- Create these stage veriables

Code: Select all

DIFF=if (PREV-CURR)<> 1 then 0 else 1 
PREV=Input.RECNO(initia value=0)
Create two new columns named Difference and Descritption to output link.
Pass DIFF and DECPT stagevariables to these columns.

Step4:- Apply filter condition to difference=1

I think it will work.

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:09 am
by v2kmadhav
Sort your data before your xfm on acct_no, rec_no (asc).

Within your stage variables whilst comparing keys - do a difference between previous_rec_no and present_rec_no and pass only records where the difference is <>1.

Re: How to handle this logic?

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:19 am
by prasson_ibm
After Filter also apply remove duplicate with condition "Duplicate to Retain=Last"


Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 4:34 am
I need to check with the previous value.

@Prasson and Madhav
I need to apply this logic Acct_no wise so I need to take the acct_no in the stage variable too. Also I need to concatenate the value of Descript column with the same the diff. between previous and current Rec_no is 1(This can go upto n levels like for Acct_no 101 in my example). I need to take the row which is having lowest rec_no for a particular acct_no if the consecutive diff. is 1, not all the records.
I have tried similarly like sorting the data acct_no, rec_no wise and checking with previous value but I am still getting no success

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 5:42 am
by v2kmadhav
Sorting your data and doing something similar to the if-then-else below will certainly ensure you pick the right record.. However concatenating it might be a little tricky.. does it matter in which order you concat the description ?

eg: for 100 - does it matter if its AACC or CCAA ?

Code: Select all

If svPrevKey <> svPresKey Then 0 Else If svPrevKey = svPresKey And svRecNoDiff <>1 Then 0 Else 1
you should be able to code your stage variables in a similar way to concat the description too if CCAA is allowed.

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 6:08 am
Yes I need to concatenate in the correct order like here AACC only.
And I tried your logic; sorting on Hash partitioning on Acct_no asc, Rec_no Desc but I cannot just filter the data based upon
Apply filter condition to difference=1
because if you see my data then row#1 and row #4 should be considered as different rows. And my data will not pass the above filter.

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 6:11 am
by v2kmadhav
I was suggesting the constraint to be svRecNoDiff <>1 so the first record and the 4th record would satisfy this criteria and pass through.

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:13 am
by ShashankDon

You can add another stage variable to indicate if Acc No is changing between prev and curr record. Out put records from Transfomer only when there is a change in Acc No. Mean while for every record you can keep appending the text to Descript variable. This was you can concatenate values from any number of rows and sort based on first or last what ever RecNo you want. For rest, Prasoon's logic is fine.


Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:15 am
But according to my requirement, I want the record when the diff. is 1 between consecutive rec_no's.
This constraint will not work correctly.

Code: Select all

If svPrevKey <> svPresKey Then 0 Else If svPrevKey = svPresKey And svRecNoDiff <>1 Then 0 Else 1

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:22 am
by v2kmadhav
Chandra, When you sort your data ascending by Accno & RecNo your data becomes...


100|7|DD |7|0
100|9|CC |2|0
100|10|AA |1|1
101|18|FF |18|0
101|19|EE |1|1
101|20|BB |1|1
102|30|GG |30|0

so when you pass only where svChk = 0

your output would be

100|7|DD |7|0
100|9|CC |2|0
101|18|FF |18|0
102|30|GG |30|0

isnt that what you want? Ofcourse without the concatenation.

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:42 am
by v2kmadhav
I did a sample job and got this output..

Added another output from the tranformer that pulled across the concatenated desc value.. followed by a rd stage that retains the last record and then acts as a referential stream to the actual xfm output that lookups into this to get the DESC value...

Let me know if i got the logic wrong :(

Peek_32,0: ACC_NO:100 REC_NO:7 DESC:DD
Peek_32,0: ACC_NO:100 REC_NO:9 DESC:AACC
Peek_32,0: ACC_NO:101 REC_NO:18 DESC:BBEEFF
Peek_32,0: ACC_NO:102 REC_NO:30 DESC:GG

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:19 pm
by Kryt0n wrote:@Madhav
Yes I need to concatenate in the correct order like here AACC only.
And I tried your logic; sorting on Hash partitioning on Acct_no asc, Rec_no Desc .
Without looking at the suggested answers too deeply, you do not want to partition on acct_no, rec_no as this will push different rec_no down different partitions. Only partition on acct_no to ensure all records with the same acct_no go down the same partition (and sort on acct/rec)

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 12:08 am
Added another output from the tranformer that pulled across the concatenated desc value..

Thats what happening with me. When I use hash partitioning in the same transformer(Not using Sort stage) the above logic works for some records only and not for all :cry: