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Warning Message--help me

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 9:10 am
by e1994264
When binding output interface field "CLAIM_ID" to field "CLAIM_ID": Converting a nullable source to a non-nullable result;
a fatal runtime error could occur; use the modify operator to
specify a value to which the null should be converted.
Hi i have Source comming from dataset having column CLAIM_ID which is NUllable and datatyoe decimal. But while populationg to target dataset . It should be not nullable column and Varchar datatype.
Please can you help me out in this . In between sorce and target i have a transormation. I tried following ways as below:
1.In transformation i used ISNOTNULL(CLAIM_ID) in constraint part to avoid the null values. but still i get warning message
2.used NullToValue(to_xfm_Map.CLAIM_ID,-9999) finction in transforamation stage at column Derivation
3.creating a stage variable to hold the value of CLAIM_ID, using the NullToValue() derivation. Then use the stage variable in the derivation of the non-nullable output column CLAIM_ID.

I may not use the modify stage .please can you suggest without using modify stage.
But i am still getting the warning message

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 9:21 am
by qt_ky
I'm sure I've seen this post of yours under another topic. I would suggest you choose are more descriptive subject for this topic; one that would also help other people when doing a search. A lot of people put subjects like "warning" "need help" "help with logic" etc. They're just not descriptive enough. That is my rant for today, thank you.

Are you saying the output column is varchar and should be or should not be varchar? Null functions seem to behave a little different with varchar columns as a null varchar is an empty string of '' (two single quotes). Maybe rather than using NullToValue, try testing with:

Code: Select all

If lnk.col = '' Then '-9999' Else lnk.col

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:08 am
by chulett
An identical post is here: viewtopic.php?t=143867 and we even get the same unhelpful subject.

Why in the blue blazes did you feel the need to start this conversation up all over again? :?