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Warning in Lookup Stage

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:08 am
by halpavan2
Hello All,

I am geeting this warning in lookup stage

Lookup_126: When checking operator: Operator of type "APT_LUTCreateOp": will partition despite the
preserve-partitioning flag on the data set on input port 0.

These are 3 datasets which are refrence link to lookup stage and i made Preserve partition to Clear in all these three stages and also i have in lookup stage also i have set to clear for preserve partion.

But still i am getting the same warning. Could any one help me whare is the problem. Also can any one throw some light on what if preserve partition set to clear.


Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:48 am
by chulett
Did you try an exact search? One for "will partition despite" returns almost 50 matches.