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Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:26 am
by Palci
I ahve a parallel job in whic I am using Constarints on lookup. I am putting 2 conditions and they are like
1) src.a = ref.a ; If condition not met - drop; If lookup failure - drop
2) src.b = ref.b ; If condition not met - drop; If lookup failure - drop

Now if I have 2 rows in my source which is satisfying the above first condition, then what happens is that my job gets executed without any errors but 0 records are written in target.
whereas if I remove my 2nd constarint and then again run the job 2 records are written in target.
SO what I understand here is that datastge is checking for both the constarints at one time and if a record doesn't meet that requirement its dropping it. Where as what I want to achieve is if it meets any of these constraints then it should write that record to my target. Can anybody help me with this??

Re: Datastage

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:36 am
by soumya5891
You can do the both look up in continue,continue mode.Then in a filter check 1 and 2.If anyone of these satisfy then record will be passed.