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EBCDIC File with COMP-4 data

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 3:01 pm
by paultechm
We are facing issue with reading EBCDIC file using complex flat file stage. We have received the file with both ASCII and binary format .ASCII file is readable other than few lines because of one of the COMP-4 field contains binary data 10(decimal 10, hex value 0A) and in UNIX it converted as line feed. Due to this, record has been separated as multiple lines.

Eg: 0A0D000A0D(In hex)

In the Binary format file also I could see the same problem, other than that I could not read any lines from binary transferred file.

Can anyone help me to investigate on this? Is it due to any transfer issue? we tried to transfer almost all possible combinations from mainframe server using C : D also we are receiving some other files from the same mainframe with out any issue .

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 3:25 pm
by kogads
See the below link

It might help you to some extent

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 9:54 pm
by chulett
Nothing is being "converted" to a linefeed, it just happens to have the same value as one inside that field and thus can be interpreted as one, depending on the tool / viewer used. So vi will present it incorrectly as will something simple like a cat, however the CFF stage should be able to handle it just fine. I doubt you have any kind of a "transfer issue" with Connect Direct.

What settings are you using in the CFF stage for the file and especially for that binary field?

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 12:14 pm
by paultechm
Thanks craig for reply .

We are using datastage 7.5.2 ,see the below complex falt file settings

Charcter Set -EBCDIC
Byte Order -Native-endian
Data Format-Binary
Record type -Variable.

The file is in variable format also conatins an array

how can i identify the line feed in binary file ( hex value)?.

how to parse the data contains an array?