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How to Valid an equal Operator

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:06 am
by Hope
A column has operators as values such as >,<=. In the stage variable I am comparing the values of the column.
Here is the Syntax
If link.InputColumn= "=" Then lnk2_xfm_cfp_dw_in.EFFECTIVE_DATE = jp_EIS_IOO_CASH_FLOW_PROJECTION_DW_Control_Date Else If link.InputColumn= "<" Then lnk2_xfm_cfp_dw_in.EFFECTIVE_DATE < jp_EIS_IOO_CASH_FLOW_PROJECTION_DW_Control_Date Else If link.InputColumn= ">" Then lnk2_xfm_cfp_dw_in.EFFECTIVE_DATE > jp_EIS_IOO_CASH_FLOW_PROJECTION_DW_Control_Date Else 1=2

I get the following warning if the Input Column Value is '='. I dont get any warnings if the operator is '>' or '<'.

Invalid argvalue `link.InputColumn==', missing =.

Pleas advice.
