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How to Re-group similar records grouped already

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 12:37 pm
by DSFreddie
Hi All,

Do you know how we can regroup the records which is grouped already ?
I need to first group the records based on SSN/First Name/Middle Name/Last Name/DOB & assign GROUP_ID (which i did through sort stage-Key change column option & transformer stage variable).

Now, the next step is to regroup the already grouped records based on next set of conditions (like SSN Null/First Name null etc), but we should not loose the grouping already derived.

Can you pls shed some light on this.


Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 6:32 pm
by chulett
How is this any different from your other post on this topic? Other than being... shorter. :?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 7:24 pm
by DSFreddie
Thanks for the reply Chulett & Ray. I felt my first post is too elaborate & confusing. So, rephrased to make it simple.

Ray, is there a way we can handle this scenario in DataStage ? As you said, we are planning to use Quality Stage for this requirement. Can you pls let me know what should be approach to arrive at the expected output using Quality Stage.

Thanks for the responses.