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Multiple If conditions with Or Operator not working in v8.5

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 2:54 am
by gnan_gun

I am using below derivation for a column in transformer.
If Right(DSLink2.PRODCUTID,2)='10' Or Right(DSLink2.PRODCUTID,2) ='30' Or Right(DSLink2.PRODCUTID,2)='50' Then 'GNAN9999' Else
If Right(DSLink2.PRODCUTID,2)='20' Or Right(DSLink2.PRODCUTID,2) ='40' Or Right(DSLink2.PRODCUTID,2)='60' Then 'GNAN1111' Else DSLink2.VALUE

The job is giving dbx: not found error
Please give me suggestion to resolve this issue.

If I write only single if condition with Or operator it is working fine.
If Right(DSLink2.PRODCUTID,2)='10' Or Right(DSLink2.PRODCUTID,2) ='30' Or Right(DSLink2.PRODCUTID,2)='50' Then 'GNAN9999' Else DSLink2.VALUE

This job is in v8.5. The same logic is working fine in v7.5 with out any warnings/fatals.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:29 am
by Karthik.M
Just now I checked this logic in DataStage 8.5 . It is working fine without any warnings or fatal errors and producing the output.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:15 am
by ray.wurlod
The dbx warning does not relate to your syntax; it relates to the way that your compiler and its related environment variables have been set up. You need to get these right to dispose of this particular error.