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XML Input stage is running slow

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 6:57 am
by Marley777
Thanks for reading. Have a job that reads a CLOB field from a DB2 table containing xml (db2 connector). The next stage uses the clob field as input and parses the data/xml using xpath in DataSatge XML Input stage. We then insert into a DB2 table (DB2 Connector). DBA's tell me all is good on the DB2 side. Unix admins are looking at the system now, but not seeing any bottle necks. I'm thinking it's the XML Input stage. The job works as expected but is very slow. Anyone ever experience performance issues with the XML Input stage and what did you do to fix the performance problem?

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 7:53 am
by chulett
Verify the bottleneck. Replace the DB2 target with a sequential file and note the speed. If no significant change then remove the XML Input stage and put the sequential file target there. After that, you'll now which part is the actual bottleneck.

Re: XML Input stage is running slow

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 10:42 am
by FranklinE
Marley777 wrote:Anyone ever experience performance issues with the XML Input stage and what did you do to fix the performance problem?
Oh, boy, did I.

Situation: file level tag (one instance) containing multiple detail tags. I tried to "blend" the two (repeat data from the file instance on all the details) and once my input volume hit about 300 details, it bogged down to almost a standstill. I discovered it because my final stage is FTP, and it timed out waiting for the next row.

I'm still not sure why, but using two output links from the XML Input stage solved it. One defines only the file tag, the other only the details tag.