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Reject Handling with DB2 Stage

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:45 am
by yammanur.dwhcareer
Hi All!

My job design looks like the below.

Dataset->T/R -->Db2-->(Rejectlink)Dataset.

Write Mode-->Insert
Table action-->Append
For the testing purpose we are processing some duplicate records and trying to collect the rejected records which are not able to insert in the DB2 table.
RCP is enabled because of using the same template we are populating more entities.So, we are not in the position to change our 'Write Mode' also.

The problem is we are not able to collect the rejected records from DB2 and the job getting aborted due to the unique key violation(dup records).
Please help us in data rejection.

Thanks in Advance...... :?:

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 7:28 pm
by nayanpatra
Try using an exception table in a DB2 connector stage. It will automatically route the duplicate primary keys to the exception table.