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Open command at oracle stage

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:11 am
by vinsashi
I created stored procedure in oracle database.

create or replace procedure sp_TruncateLandingTable
( itable_name varchar2 ) as
l_table varchar2(255);
l_table := 'truncate table ' || itable_name;
end sp_TruncateLandingTable;

and in oracle stage open command option i am calling like this

EXECUTE sp_TruncateLandingTable RFRT_CAD_FXTR_DATA,0

but job getting aborted invalid command like that it saying.
and i have tried like this also
exec ssp_TruncateLandingTable RFRT_CAD_FXTR_DATA

Please help on this


Re: Open command at oracle stage

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:55 am
Hi vinsashi,

Correct syntax for execution of a stored procedure in Oracle is
CALL procedure_name(parameter_1,...)

So DataStage is right to tell You that exec or EXECUTE is an invalid command.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 7:55 pm
by vinsashi
Thanks a lot its working with CALL statement.