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runLocally() did not reach EOF on its input data set 0

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:06 pm
Hi All

I got a warning in few of the jobs in which it referred the SK file to get the Surrogate Key value. I searched in the forum and found only one result and that dose's help me.

Job design

Code: Select all

source-->Change Data Capture-->SKey stage-->tfm-->target
Maximum of the jobs are using SCD stages and referring a file to get the Surrogate Key value. In few jobs we don't have the option to use the SCD stage, but still we need the key. So in that job design added Surrogate_Key_Generator stage.

The source data will pass in to the Surrogate_Key_Generator stage and get the key as an output apart from the source data. In the SK Stage I referred the same file which is used by other jobs to get the SKEY. Generate Key from Last Highest Value = YES.

Job is working good, but getting the warning "SKG_001,0: runLocally() did not reach EOF on its input data set 0." for all the nodes.

Let me know if i am not using the stage properly / i am missing some other option to eliminate this warning?

Thanks in advance
DS User

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:58 pm
by suse_dk
Have you tried to generate a new state file for the job (one that has not been updated by the SCD stage) to check if that removes the warning?

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:49 am
Not yet, but this file was created by SK stage at the initial time and thereafter used by SCD stages.

For some reasons we have the policy to keep the unique value across the DW and for that used a same SK file for all the jobs.

Let me try it the new file and post the result.

Thanks for the reply.

DS User

EOF character

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:29 am
by sinhasaurabh014
Can you check how does the last line of your file end? Can you press enter (to introduce <NL> and optionally <CR> if on windows) and press backspace. Save the file and rerun the job.

EOF reached prematurely

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:42 pm
by sinhasaurabh014
Hey this warning message comes when the last record is read and parser does not find suitable record final delimiter as specified in the "format" tab. Even before final demiliter is encountered, the EOF is reached. Though this does not impacted data read, but it does throw a warning.

Can you check with other "final demiliters". Can you also add line terminator in the record level format tab.Check at OS the physical file if you do tail -1 or head -1 you get expected result.

by the way, the data you have shown is 2 zeros demilited by > symbol or is it some charcter which cannot be printed appropriately. (This may also be an issue)

Re: EOF reached prematurely

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:17 pm
Are you talking about sequential file stage?

This file data was created by Surrogate_Key_Generator stage and no option like Sequential file stage.

If i wrong correct me.

DS User

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:41 am
by suse_dk
The only way to read a state file is using the SKG stage and dumping the output to the log.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 11:38 pm
It might be the bug in 8x.

If i run the stage in Sequential mode (Changed in Advance tab) and it is working fine without any warning.

DS User

IBM bug

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:00 am
by blewip
It's a bit late now I know, but I had this problem and found this ... wg1JR38599

JR38599: Surrogate Key Stage generates spurious message: RUNLOCALLY() DID NOT REACH EOF ON ITS INPUTDATA SET 0.

Problem conclusionThe surrogate-key stage was misinterpreting the end-of-wave signal as an end-of-file. This generated the spurious end-of-file messages.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:02 am
A corresponding fix is available via support, but not available from Fix Central.

Please contact support to get the fix.