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SQL Server EE Stage WRITE method not supporting BIT datatype

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 9:27 pm
Hi All

I got an error in the Director as CoreLxLoad,7: 22003 : [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Numeric value out of range when i tried to load the data using SQL Server EE Stage WRITE method.

After filter one by one scenario, found the data type BIT is causing problem. The value for that column is 1 for all the records.

I changed it to INT and ran the job went smoothly. Whereas i used upsert to load the same data using BIT data type and it is also working good.

Now the question is, why BIT data type is not supporting while using WRITE method.

Any idea?

DS User

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:33 am
by suse_dk
I can't answer why - but I know it is not supported in a read operation from a sequential file either. But it must be defined as a smallint, int or NChar(1) in order to get the right result.