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Linking DataStage Jobs to a FastTrack Mapping Spec

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 9:41 pm
by cdp
Hi Folks,

Got a question on the Metadata relationship between a FastTrack mapping specification and a DataStage Job. Not sure if this is necessarily the right forum as it's half DataStage and half Metadata.

When you generate a DataStage job from a FastTrack Mapping Specification an association is created that is viewable through MDW to reflect the association, my question is how might you associate other jobs that weren't created from a mapping spec to a mapping spec. Specifically where a developer takes a generated DS job and splits it into multiple jobs for performance or processing reasons. So now the mapping spec is delivered across two jobs rather than one. I assume the original job would still be associated but how would you link the second created job to the spec?

Thanks in advance.


Re: Linking DataStage Jobs to a FastTrack Mapping Spec

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 5:31 am
by smart2786
After generating the second job, You can import he job into mapping spec in fasttrack, We have an option to generate the mapping spec into CSV. there you can merge the two separate jobs CSV into one. Now you can import this CSV in one mapping spec,

Please let me know IF you have further queries.