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Append 4 files in UNIX

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:01 pm
by e1994264
I am getting 4 files and i need to append them into a single file in UNIX
Please can anybody give sample UNIX script code

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:09 pm
by chulett
cat A B C D > E

Do the files have header records?

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:30 pm
by e1994264
chulett wrote:cat A B C D > E

Do the files have header records?
Example :
How can we a shell script and pass date parameters .I have 3 files comming from Datastage with |" delimited

I need append 3 files as above: File1:


File 2:


File 3:


After append 3 files i need add Header and trailer for the single file

Header Should have following inforamtion:

RECTYP|"CLientid|"Cleint Name|"email|"RunDate|"RunTime

Rundate:YYYYMMDD format need to be passed

Run Time: HHMMSS in 24 hour format should be passed

Trailer Record:


Sample output should be like this

HEADR|"GVAADP|"ID |"MANI|"|"OT20060403|"20060403|"050020





Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:27 pm
by chulett
So... exactly the same scenario that you've outlined here but now you want to know how to script it rather than use a job? If so, there are other web forums where it would be more appropriate to post questions like that, I'm afraid.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 10:11 am
by e1994264
If you how to script above senario. Please let me know. \
Thanks for your concern