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Improve Performance of a job

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 3:20 pm
by jagadam
Hi Everyone,

I have a job design which pulls data from source compares with old data using change capture stage and then performs inserts/updates/deletes.

Oracle EE stage ( OLD DATA )
Source (Oracle EE stage)---> CC ---- updates/inserts/deletes.(Oracle EE stage)

Apart from these stages job has 3 join stages and one transformer.

Now data has grown huge and it's taking more than 2 hours to compare 6-8 million records and some additional time for inserts/updates/deletes.

Source doesn't have any time stamp fields to pull only delta records. So i am doing full image comparison.

Could anyone suggest how to increase the performance.

Any inputs would really appreciated.

Thanks in Advance

Re: Improve Performance of a job

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 5:29 pm
1. You can create a checksum to compare.

2. You need to split the job.

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