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Failed DB2 load - Failed opening fifo

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 10:08 am
by bcarlson
We have a job that reads from Teradata and writes directly to a remote DB2 database. If it works, it runs in 5-10 minutes. However, it often fails with the following:
101885 FATAL Thu Jun 16 07:49:14 2011 DB2_Table_Write,9: SQLCODE = -911; SQLSTATE=40001^O?????Lx [db2load_driver.C:969]
101886 FATAL Thu Jun 16 08:09:06 2011 DB2_Table_Write,9: SQL0911N The current transaction has been rolled back because of a deadlock or timeout. Reason code "68". SQLSTATE=40001
101886 FATAL Thu Jun 16 08:09:06 2011 [db2load_driver.C:969]
101887 FATAL Thu Jun 16 08:09:06 2011 DB2_Table_Write,8: Failed opening fifo /u001/n2/2/ordb211964623c75942a_.009 after 1,200 seconds: No such device or address.
101887 FATAL Thu Jun 16 08:09:06 2011 Please review DB2 logs. You may consider increasing the time-out time by setting the environmental variable APT_DB2LOADER_TIMEOUT. [db2loader.C:999]
Our DB2 DBAs have confirmed that there were no deadlocks on the target, that the job timed out. Also, the target system is pretty quiet, so this isn't necessarily due to system overload.

When it does fail, it will run for 30-40 minutes before failing.

We increased the APT var from 600 seconds (10 minutes) to 1200 seconds (20 minutes) and that helped somewhat - it reduced how often the job fails.

I have been looking through other topics with this same error, but not having any luck yet. The job runs fine 8 out of 10 times, and for the remaining 2 times will eventually run successfully after 1 or more reruns.

I don't believe this is an issue of permissions or invalid directories, or this job would never run successfully.

Any suggestions?


Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 2:09 pm
by MT
Hi bcarlson,

the DB2 error shown -911 with Reason Code 68 clearly states that you experienced a lock timeout.
So this is NOT a deadlock true but the table you are loading seems to be lock by some other activity.
Talk to your DBAs once again and tell them to check who is locking the object you are loading.
There is a great new locking event monitor in DB2 9.7 which could be used for this - it will provide all necessary information you might need.

best regards

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 2:15 pm
by bcarlson

Is the lock event monitor a new tool or does it come with 9.7? We just recently upgraded from 9.1.x to 9.7, so still learning.

Thanks for the tip! I passed it on to our DB2 DBA group.


Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:10 am
by MT
Hi Brad,

yes it is new and it comes with DB2 (at no extra cost).
There are many possibilities mpnitoring locks - in the current and past versions but look for the newest (and often best) one - search for

create event monitor for locking write to unformatted table....

db2pd might be an alternative - talk to the DBAs for the right options as you might not have sufficients rights running it...

best regards