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Multi Record type file issue

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 1:50 pm
by prasad v

I am reading the Multi Record type file using CFF Stage.

File must have Header'H', Detail'D' and Trailer'T' as identifiers. If any other identifier comes like 'Z' or ... something other than above 3. those records should move into reject link.

I had connected rejected link and specified Save in CFF stage. I haven't got those records into reject link and it gave warning saying that Invalid tag 'K'.........

Can anyone suggest how do we captur these records into reject. After that we need to process them.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:19 pm
by vijaykumarpj
Just specify, the constraints as H, D, T in the constraints tab of the CFF stage. However, you can see the other records except H,D,T in the reject file connected.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 2:19 am
by prasad v
Thanks Vijay,

I have done the same thing before i have posted here. but couldn't get the reject data and got the warning as
Complex_Flat_File_0,0: Tag value: K does not match any tagcase for tagged field "complex_flat_file_0_record_type"