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Generic Transformations

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:07 pm
by tostay2003
Hi All,

We have a requirement to create a generic job for processing multiple extract files. As part of this requirement we have to make certain validations. Since the datastage job would be RCP enabled.

We want to implement a C++ code (with required fields as arguments) and call it through generic toolbox using "transform" operator i.e.

Code: Select all

 transform -name c_plus_plus_objectcode

Are we thinking in the right direction? If anyone knows of any caveats or any inputs, can you please let us know about it.


Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:11 pm
by jwiles
Are you attempting to write a parallel routine to be called from a transformer or BuildOp, or are you attempting to write a custom operator?

You cannot call a compiled C++ program using the transform operator, in the manner in which I think you mean in your example. The transform operator has three modes of operation: Compile, in which you are pre-compiling transformation source code into an executable; CompileAndRun, in which you are compiling and running transformation source code within your job; and Run, in which you are running a pre-compiled transformation. See the "Parallel Job Advanced Developer Guide" for more information on the transform operator.

For more information on custom operators, see the "Custom Operator Reference" document for IS 8.5 or the "Defining Customer Operators" section under the Reference Section for DataStage and QualityStage in the IS 8.1 Information Center.
