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Issue with CFF Stage

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:50 am
by krishna14
i have a situation where a mainframe file is FTP'ied to BINARY format and we r calling using CFF stage ,here my issue was when i try to view data in CFF Stage it is showing me only 1 row and giving me an warning :
Error executing View Data command: IIS-DSEE-TOIX-00179 <Complex_Flat_File_0,0> Import error at record 2.

1) i did try with putting delimiter as UNIX new line ...but it is giving me the same issue ....

Please help me with the issue ..Thanks for alll your Inputs ..

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:53 pm
by krishna14
Did any one came across the same issue ...plz help me out ... :(