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LATIN1_0A Character set (Teradata) to UTF8 (Oracle)

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:02 am
by bhaskarjha
Hello Experts,
Need your help. We have a requirement to process data which contains German character from Teradata to Oracle

Teradata (API/Enterprise) ---> Transformer -------> Oracle Enterprise

While running the process Source system is able to read the data but unable to write it to Target Oracle DB.

Error message -
Oracle_Enterprise_7,0: The system(sqlldr <user>/<pass>@DSN CONTROL=ora.8582.542247.0.ctl LOG=ora.8582.542247.0.log BAD=ora.8582.542247.0.log.bad SILENT=header PARFILE=ora.8582.542247.0.par) failed; see the log file for the Oracle specific message.

Any suggestion.

Teradata Character set is 'LATIN1_0A' Oracle DB - Character set is UTF8.

Thanks a lot for your help.

Re: LATIN1_0A Character set (Teradata) to UTF8 (Oracle)

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:40 am
by chulett
bhaskarjha wrote:see the log file for the Oracle specific message.
What's in the log?