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Datastage Reports

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 3:47 am
Dear all,

Can anybody suggest me how to generate the reports for below purpose.

1> can we check how many jobs are running and what are the status for that(like running/aborted/completed).

2> report for what are the current status of job like 20%,40%,60% ..completed.

3> can we take the report in graphical way for particular project.

4> can we customized reports for datastage project.

Kindly suggest.


Re: Datastage Reports

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:08 am
by kmsekhar

Please search in the forum before raising any post, b'cause some of the solutions were already answered.

All of you requirements will not get in a bunble.
check the below link to get the job status codes

We can get the the log details using dsjob -report to achieve this you can create a DS Job were we will get all the info like Job Satrt Date, End Date, Elapsed Time, Reords Processed.

or else you can create a routinue or Shell Script...

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:09 am
by pandeesh
i am not sure about this!!

can we do this in reporting assistant in manager?

if not, what we can do via reporting assistant?

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:14 am
by kmsekhar
i achieved this already i am using this...

1) Create Server Job I/P Seq file I/P uvodbc.config --> Stg settings use [Stage Uses Filter commands] --> O/P tab in Seq Stg under Filter Command use the dsjob -report <proname> <jobname> XML
2)Map it to XMLInput Stage Split the columns arrordingly...


Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:32 pm
by ray.wurlod
pandeesh wrote:i am not sure about this!!

can we do this in reporting assistant in manager?

if not, what we can do via reporting assistant?
To which "manager" are you referring? The DataStage Manager client ceased to exist from version 8.0.

Similarly, to which "reporting assistant" are you referring? I am not aware of any such-named utility.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 12:05 am
by pandeesh
Yes ray!

I am referring datastage manager in 7.5 version.
i haven't used reporting option in that.
But i heard that there is an option for reporting in DS manager.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 6:34 am
by kduke
I always wanted to see this as well. We started to put it together at one company. We wanted to see what jobs were running in sort of gantt charts like you see project lines. These would be jobs running during a specific job run. Say you have a daily run of a 1000 jobs.


Below that or on a separate page I want to see CPU usage and RAM used below that. So you can see what was running and how it impacted RAM and CPU. You might even want to see disk usage. We had all the numbers at BlueCross. We never tied them all together. Would be an awesome tool even after the fact like the next day. You have to add a lot to EtlStats to get all this.