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Error in Recalculation for aggrigator stage.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 11:36 am
by Tejas Pujari
Hi All,

I have Job scenario like below.

source --> Aggrigator1 --> Aggrigator2 --> O/p

my source has 3 columns.
col1 as integer,col2 as char,col3 as integer

in Aggrigator1 I'm doing Calculation Sum(col3) --> col3_sum and
minimum value(col3) --> col3_min

For Aggrigator1 col1 and col2 are group key values.

now for Aggrigator2 my source is
col1, col2, col3_sum, col3_min

here I'm doing Recalculation Sum(col3_sum) ----> col3_total.
For this stage Group key is col1.

when i run this job i received error:
Aggregator_19: Error when checking operator: Could not find subrec "col3_Sum" [api\interface_rep.C:3312]

When i tried to recompile it i received compile time error in agrrigator2.
and when i checked on the Mapping's tab columns i found 2 more columns got added SummerRecNum(col3_sum) and SummeryNumMissingVals(col_sum).

Can any one tell me what is this why it is considering column as subrecord(may be vector) and how to use Recalculations in aggrigator.