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reading sequential file containing an xml clob > 100 000

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 2:59 pm
by rcanaran
I've looked at a few posts, especially
viewtopic.php?t=129785&highlight=Consum ... +delimiter

I'm using 7.5x2 (windows server).

The input file contains several columns (keys and other data) and then has 2 columns containing very long XML (each defined as LongVarchar 10000000000 (10 billion))

Field Delimiter is hex 001. No final field delimiter.
Record delimiter is DOS CR/LF.

The sequential file stage of course aborts on "consumed more than 100000 bytes looking for a record delimiter". I get this abort using the ExternalSource stage as well.

Using the SequentialFile stage DOES work when the xml is contained in columns that are somewhat smaller ( <100000).

I cannot use the XML Input stage to read this directly from the file using the "filename / url/path" method as I have all the NON-XML columns to move through as well.

So far, the only successful workaround seems to be to use a sever job.

Is there another way in 7.5.x2 ?
is there a better way in 8.1 or 8.5 ?