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Netezza : Importing potential null to not_nullable field

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 3:18 pm
by zhoum00

I'm trying to run querys in Netezza enterprise stage. It's giving me the following warning for almost all fields : "When checking operator: When validating import schema: At field "field_name": Importing potential null to not_nullable field".

I checked and the metadata (which I imported from the DB) is identical to the definition of the table in the database, so I don't understand why it's giving me that error. If I swap out the Netezza stage for an ODBC, it works just fine without any warning. The thing is that the Netezza stage is 5 times faster than ODBC but I just don't trust it since it's giving me these warnings.

I tried setting all fields nullability to "nullable" or "unknown" without any luck...

Any ideas how to get rid of it??

Any solution?

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 7:51 pm
by msukkar
I have recently faced the same issue and the workaround was NVL function. I found another thread here but again with no "real" solution:


However, I just noticed something, it looks like this problem is only when the field is a NOT NULL VARCHAR field. Seems like a bug in the stage, maybe?