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ORA stage size limit with userdefined SQL query

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:10 am
by pratapsriram
I have encountered a weird issue, using Userdefined SQL in Oracle db stage, if the sql size is 11kb then the job fails with the error:

Code: Select all

The provided query statement did not prepare correctly;
So I removed all the whitespace in the query and got it to 9KB and then it works fine. So does that mean we will need to write sql queries not more than the size limit and if so what is the size limit? Is there any way to increase that?

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:16 am
by chulett
Yes there is a size limit, no there's no way to increase it and that limit (in older versions at least) has been posted here in the past. It can vary by stage and version so best to ask your official support provider for the specifics of whatever version you have.