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subtracting days from date in transformer

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:17 am
by srinivas Guduru

In the Transfomer Input fileld is date

I want to subtract days (like 25) then populate to output field in the form of yyyy-mm-day.

Is it possible ? Then what is syntax


Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:24 am
by jwiles
DateFromDaysSince() to add or subtract days from a date.
DateToString() if you are populating a Char/VarChar output column. If a Date datatype, there is no need to format it. It's all in how you view it.

Plenty of examples of both here on DSXchange and in the product documentation.

---EDIT: Just corrected the function name to DateFromDaysSince---
