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Parallel jobs hanging on OSH script (...) step

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:37 am
by JPalatianos
For the past few weeks we have been having many of our parallel jobs just hanging on the OSH script (...) step in Director. There is no affect o the server jobs all run normally, but our parallel jobs randomly get hung up. Sometime s it is when we kick off a simple job minutes after midnight that only extracts a single row from the DB and writes out to a sequential file and sometimes it is when we are kicking off many jobs simultaneously. In either case the server seems not to be overloaded and I am not sure what I can be looking at to help resolve this. I have opened a PMR with IBM and they have assigned it to the engineering group. I was just wondering if anyone has experienced this before.

Thanks - - John

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 10:26 pm
by nayanpatra
May be the DB tables are in load pending state then.