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Load 0.5 million records into DB2 stage

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 11:06 pm
Hi Experts,

I have 0.5 million records. I am planing for job design as follows.

Dataset --> Transformer --> DB2 Stage

My target table is not Partitioned. Please suggest me, Whether DB2 API stage or DB2 Enterprise Stage would give more optimisation.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 11:22 pm
by csrazdan
If your database is not partitioned you do not have option of using DB2EE Stage. If you are on 7.x version your only option is to use DB2 API stage unless you decide to use ODBC. For 8.x you have an option of using Common Connector stage which sits somewhere in between DB2EE and DB2 API Stage as far as performence is concerned.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 11:59 pm
Thanks for the clarification.

If i enabled execution mode as parallel for DB2 API stage then is there any performance improvement. I could see default execution mode is Sequential.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 1:21 am
by MT wrote:Thanks for the clarification.

If i enabled execution mode as parallel for DB2 API stage then is there any performance improvement. I could see default execution mode is Sequential.

the DB2 API stage is a sequential stage.
You could tune it by setting approprate ARRAY SIZE and TRANSACTION SIZE though.

An alternative is the DB2 LOAD stage which uses the native DB2 LOAD tool which is designed to transfer bigger amounts of data into DB2.
But you need some DB2 help for setting the right parameters for it - so ask your DBA to help you.

best regards