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Pivot Stage

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 6:15 pm
by Rob4732
Hello All,

I am using a pivot stage and the pivoting works fine. However if I pass additional nullable columns thru the pivot stage(not pivoted columns, just columns needed later in the job), job bombs with the message below.

Pivot_Enterprise_237,0: Fatal Error: Null value on the accessor interfacing to field "END_DATE".

Any nullable column will result in this error though.

I can get around this by handling the nulls prior to the pivot stage and assigning a value, however I don't want to create data. Just want the nulls to pass thru as is. For a nullable varchar, I can replace nulls with "". However nullable date columns are not so forgiving and want a date as a null replacement. Nullable decimal columns want a numeric replacement.

Any help is appreciated.

