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Cannot 'uncheck' Runtime Column Propagation

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:01 am
by sjordery
Hello All,

I have a job that is designed like this:

Code: Select all

dataset ==>   Lookup_232  ====> transformer ===> dataset
I am getting numerous warning messages along the lines of:
Lookup_232: Schema field FieldA in input data set 0 not present in design time information. Extended field properties for this field will not be available.
Searching the forum and previous experience led me to check the RCP settings for the lookup input and sure enough the ODBC connector has the field 'checked'. So.. I unchecked the field, clicked 'OK' and compiled the job. Viewing the ODBC connector stage again, the field RCP was checked - so my unchecking was ignored.

Runtime column propagation is enabled at project level. I have tried turning this 'off' at project level, but this just greys the RCP field out (with it set 'on').

Any ideas as to what might be the issue here would be much appreciated.

Many thanks in advance for your time.


Re: Cannot 'uncheck' Runtime Column Propagation

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:55 am
by le thuong
It is possible that your job is a "saved as" (copied) job from an initial job where RCP was "on". In this case, you cannot uncheck RCP. Try to recreate your job from scratch with RCP "off".

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 8:29 am
by sjordery
Thanks for your reply.

I have just tried rebuilding the job from scratch and all was looking good until I set the lookup type to sparse, at which point it goes to RCP checked on. Setting it to normal puts it back to RCP unchecked!

So.. is it not possible to have sparse lookup and RCP 'off'?

Thanks again..

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 9:58 am
by le thuong
The problem is probably linked to the data set, not to the lookup type (Normal or Sparse). Your data set may be created by another job with RCP "on". Please compare the current layout of the data set with the layout in the Repository (Import / Table Definition / Orchestrate Schema Definition). If there is discrepancy, delete and recreate the data set (with RCP "off").

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 10:22 am
by sjordery
Thanks again.

I double-checked and there is no RCP in the previous job (the one that creates the dataset. :(

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 10:30 am
by le thuong
sjordery wrote:Thanks again.

I double-checked and there is no RCP in the previous job (the one that creates the dataset. :(
I would suggest to import the metadata of the data set and the table (the ODBC look up) and compare with the layout in the current job.