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Internal Error: (start <= end): surrkey/keystate.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 4:13 am
by suresh_dsx

I have implemented the SCD type2 using the below link and also based on the dsxchange forums. ... tagev8.pdf

But i am having a error message and job is getting failed. and searched in the forums. found one related to his and applied same but still having the same problem .

Code: Select all

Error: APT_CombinedOperatorController(1),0: Lookup table is empty, no further warnings will be issued.
Error:Slowly_Changing_Dimension0: Failure during execution of operator logic.
Error:APT_CombinedOperatorController(1),0: Internal Error: (start <= end): surrkey/keystate.C: 86 
Error:Traceback: Could not obtain stack trace; check that 'dbx' and 'sed' are installed and on your PATH
Error:node_node1: Player 5 terminated unexpectedly.
Error:main_program: APT_PMsectionLeader(1, node1), player 5 - Unexpected exit status 1.
Error:Slowly_Changing_Dimension_39,0: sendWriteSignal() failed on node gbnruad0142 ds = 6 conspart = 0 Broken pipe
Error:Slowly_Changing_Dimension_39,0: Could not send close message (shared memory)
Error:main_program: Step execution finished with status = FAILED.
  • As i can see the problem with the surrkey. As i have generated the surrkey using surrogate key generator stage.i am unable to find where i have done the problem in the SCD stage.

    Step1) I have given select outlink name LinkOutput

    Step2) In the lookup tab,

    Key expression---------Column name---------Purpose
    -----------------------PSK-----------------Surrogate Key
    LnkSouce.prodsk--------SK------------------Business Key
    -----------------------Curr----------------Current Indicator(Type2)
    -----------------------Eff_Date------------Effective Date(Type2)
    -----------------------Exp_Date------------Expiration Date(Type2)

    Source Type:Flatfile
    Source Name:/abc/temp/seqfilename.txt(Which is generated by sequence generarator stage)
    Intial Value:1


    NextSurrogateKey()------PSK-------------Surrogate Key----------------
    lnkdata.prodsk----------SK--------------Business Key-----------------
    'Y'---------------------Curr------------Current Indicator(Type2)-----'N'
    Current_date()----------Eff_Date--------Effective Date(Type2)--------
    '2099-12-12'------------Exp_Date--------Expiration Date(Type2)-------Current_date()

    Do i need to generate surrogate key file with different method.Any help greatly appriciated.


    Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:03 pm
    by ray.wurlod
    The Surrogate Key state file should be created using a job that has the Surrogate Key Generator stage with no links whatsoever.

    The Surrogate Key state file can then be initialized, if required, using a job that has a Surrogate Key Generator stage with an input link.