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Data obfuscation masking within Information Server 8.1

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:45 pm
I want to see if there are any routines available for masking (obfuscation) of specific columns of data within my source file irregardless of the type of source. DB obfuscation is not an option as this is coming from a mainframe and the requirement is for this to be done in DataStage.

1) I need to mask the FName, LName, and Address while keeping the appropriate city and state with the masked Address.
2) The Address for a given customer must be masked the same as a customer from the same address... i.e. husband/wife/son/daughter would all have the same masked address.

Some older posts talked about a possible routine in later versions however I have not seen any that would suffice. Any help would be appreciated.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:50 pm
by chulett
From what I recall, the older posts discussed routines that you could get if you engaged IBM consulting services, routines that are part of the package they bring to the table. I don't recall any talk of them just showing up in a new / later release, but others might be more in tuned with news of that nature.

Aside from that, you're pretty much on your own.