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direct parallel loading unless an index option is included.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:30 am
by ajayyos06
The ETL interface Job got aborted today due to be below error message.Looks like this is error ralated to Database(PMMPROD).

Error msg:

Indexes on table 'MWW_19C_EXT' preclude direct parallel loading unless an index option is included. Add an index option or drop indexes and rerun step.

Kindly suggest how to proceed further

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:51 am
by jwiles
As the error message suggests, you can either:

1) Select an index option in the database stage you are writing with. Typically you may elect to rebuild the index, but other options may be present
2) Disable or remove the index before loading the data. The stage may have the option to disable the index, or you can work with the DBAs to disable it.

Ask your DBA which option they recommend for their database. Also, you can read the database connectivity guide document for the type of database you are connecting to to gain a better understanding of the options available to you.


Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:53 am
by ppgoml
Be careful when you choose to disable the index before load and then enable it after load, particularly you have unique index on target table.
you should ensure that there is no violation of the unique constrain, or your table will be read only and the DBMS will not let you enable the unique index.

Re: direct parallel loading unless an index option is includ

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:33 am
by ajayyos06
Thankyou very much both of you!!!!

It solved the issues, actually there was no unique constrain so I tried with the first option, and it is good to go..

1) Select an index option in the database stage you are writing with. Typically you may elect to rebuild the index, but other options may be present