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Cobol file

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 10:28 pm
by vasubabu
I am trying to extract the COBOL file with CFF stage in 8.1 parellel.

This file is having the one redefines clause and occurs clause with 100 times depends on one numeric column.And remaining all the columns are decimal copm-3 fields except one or two.
I am able to import the metadata as same as cobol copy book cross checked in mainframe system.
In server jobs when importing the metadata itself we will get all the 100 columns specifying like columnname_1,2..100.
How to get the 100 columns as mentioned in occurs clause in Parellel.
i am not able to view the data properly.
Can anyone suggest me to resolve this.

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 5:36 am
by arunkumarmm
Server or parallel, while you import the copybook DS will prompt for flatterning. Give yes and you will see all the occurs columns separately.