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Query on Runtime column propagation

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:38 pm
by LD

I'm trying to use Runtime column propagation in DS8.1.


Oracle Ent ---> Copy ---> DataSet

I have enabled RCP for project and checked the Runtime column propagation box in Oracle and Copy stage. I have defined metadata for 5 columns in Oracle and Copy stage but selecting 10 columns through user defined sql query option from Oracle stage.

Runtime column propagation is not working. It is moving only 5 columns I defined in stage metadata to DataSet.

If my understanding is correct, schema file is required for Sequential file and other file like stages. And Oracle Ent and copy stage should work without schema file. Moreover I do not find any property in Oracle Ent stage to provide schema file.

Can some one help me with this?



Re: Query on Runtime column propagation

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 8:14 am
by jwiles
How are you viewing the dataset? View Data from the Dataset stage, or using the Dataset Management tool?

View Data will display only the columns that are defined in the input link metadata in Designer. The Dataset Management tool will show you all columns defined in the dataset's schema (and can show you the schema itself).


Re: Query on Runtime column propagation

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 8:54 am
by LD
Hi James,

Thanks a lot, you saved my day. That was the issue, I was viewing from Dataset stage view data.

Really appreciate your help.

