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Teradata connector issue in Production

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:10 pm
by vasam
Hi All,

I'm using Teradata connector stage to extract the data..i am using Bulk option. My job is running fine in DEV and SIT environments,,But job has failed in PROD environement... i am getting below error in Production.
[IIS-CONN-TERA-005004] RDBMS code 21012: Could Not Find Message Catalog SQL statement: SELECT CNCT_NUMB,CO_IDNN,REGN_IDNN,BRCH_IDNN,PDCT_IDNN,ACCG_DATE,PAYT_NUMB,NET_AMT,INT_EARN,DFLT_INT,INCM_FROM_PAYO,OTHR_INCM_CNCT (CC_TeraParallelTransporter::initiate, file CC_TeraParallelTransporter.cpp, line 1,248)

Could you please tell me why it is failing in Prodenvironment?

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:52 pm
by PaulVL
*drops 2 cents into the pot*

A) confirm with your Teradata DBA which version of TD is installed in PROD. The release levels could be different than your DEV and SIT environments.

B) Confirm with your Teradata DBAs the release level (and which compilers were used) your client TD tools. The BULK options will only work if your Client tools were compiled to a given release level. In our shop, the TD DBAs are the ones to package the TD tools and deploy them.

C) see if your SQL works outside of DataStage (Teradata supplied tools like Queryman) against your PROD environment.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:27 pm
by vasam
Thanks for sharing information..

I have checked with my DBA's.. they have not installed properly in prod

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 12:41 pm
by PaulVL
Once you get to confirm and execute properly, remember to come back and mark this thread as closed or answered.

Glad I could be of help.