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Issue with dsjob command

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:04 am
by LD

I'm trying to use the dsjob command to get some info about DS jobs from command line.

Below command used to run fine in v7.5, but not working in 8.1. I added <-domain> as this was not there in v7.5 but still I get the same error
"Unable to connect to project"

dsjob -domain <server_name>:9080 -user <name> -password <pwd> -server <server_name> -jobinfo <project> <jobname>

when I run below command, it works

dsjob -jobinfo <project> <jobname>

I think the issue is with the value of -domain that I'm providing. I tried both, <server_name>:9080 and 9080 but the error is same.
