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input dataset '0' is NULL. Record dropped

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 12:00 am
by suresh_dsx
While doing lookup to the reference table i am having below warning message.
Message information:
APT_CombinedOperatorController(2),0: Field 'Col3' from input dataset '0' is NULL. Record dropped.

Data set data : All columns having nulls are allowed

Reference data: All columns having nulls are allowed

Code: Select all

Dataset-------->lookup stage------------>transformer-----------------> table
                                             |                                              |

Constraint added inthe transformer:

(Constraint added in the transformer NullToEmpty (Col1) ='' Or NullToEmpty (Col2) =''  Or NullToEmpty (Col3) ='' )

Lookup stage -->lookup  is based on the four columns (Col1,Col2,Col3,Col4)

As I using condition not met -->continue and also look up failure -->continue. So i am sure i will get null after passing the look up stage.
in the transformer added a constraint (NullToEmpty (Col1) ='' Or NullToEmpty (Col2) ='' Or NullToEmpty (Col3) ='' )

Based on the fourms i have handled nulls but still i am facing the same warning.
Any help greatly appreciated.


Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 12:24 am
by datisaq
could you check with the "IsNull" Or "IsNotNull) function.. instead of the NullToEmpty or NullToValue...

let us know the output :-)

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 12:40 am
by suresh_dsx
Thanks for the swift response but having the same problem tried two options

Option1 )

Directly added Constraint

IsNull(Col1) or IsNull(Col2) or IsNull(Col3)

Option2 )

First added Stage variable1 then used the stage variable in the constraint

STG1--- > IsNull(Col1) or IsNull(Col2) or IsNull(Col3)

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 1:52 am
by synsog
Check with isnull() and also empty space.

Eg: IsNull(Col1) or Col1='' or Col1='NULL' if you assigned 'NULL' in previous stages

I hope this works.


suresh_dsx wrote:
Thanks for the swift response but having the same problem tried two options

Option1 )

Directly added Constraint

IsNull(Col1) or IsNull(Col2) or IsNull(Col3)

Option2 )

First added Stage variable1 then used the stage variable in the constraint

STG1--- > IsNull(Col1) or IsNull(Col2) or IsNull(Col3)

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 4:29 am
by ray.wurlod
Although documented as returning NULL, a failed lookup can return "" instead when. This is particularly true if the output column is declared not nullable (and has a string data type - numeric data types can be set to 0).

:idea: Tip: make use of the fact that the Len() function returns 0 when its argument is null to test for null and "" with a single function call.