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Teradata API Satge - Error - Access Logging step has failed

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 10:47 pm
by bhaskarjha
I need help. One of Our Production started failing recently for issue - Access logging step has failed.

This job reads data from Teradata Staging table we do some transformation after that we upsert data to four different tables. These four tables are all reference tables (Dimensions).

For all four we have applied upsert logic through Teradata API stage.

Data volume is around 78,000 daily. Job tooks around 30 min to complete.

It started throwing huge warning these days, but on some days it runs fine.

Error 3132: Access Logging step has failed. The transaction was aborted.

Detail Error Message

TDAPI_UI_TGTSTG,0: Info: TESTJOB1.TDAPI_UI_TGTSTG: Access Logging step has failed. The transaction was aborted.
Info: TESTJOB1.TDAPI_UI_TGTSTG: Duplicate row error in DB.TGT.

Though it say duplicate row warning but there are no duplicate data. But some time we observed that job insert duplicate data when these types of warning observed.

On some initial R&D I found that Teradata internal table DBC.AccessLog might be getting accessed during write when another process tries to write data into this.

Is Teradata API stage use DBC.AccessLog?