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MQ put time error

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:06 am
by samyamkrishna

When subscribing the messages from MQ, we have activated the options PUT_TIME and PUT_DATE. Now the MQ we are getting an error

XML_CustGnrl,0: Error: Unknown nodetype: Messagequeueputtime
pattern = 'dsXMLInput:serialize(SALES/Messagequeueputtime(GMT))'(Unknown URI, 219, 98)
Remaining tokens: ( 'Messagequeueputtime' '(' 'GMT' ')' ')')

Is there any way we can handle this error.


Re: MQ put time error

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:21 am
by samyamkrishna
Hi ,

The issue is resolved. When we read an xml from MQ with PUT_TIME and PUT_DATE The xml i nput stage bu default takes xpath.

We removed teh xpath expressions Its working fine now.