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File vs table

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:21 am
by deva
Hi I will get daily files which will be 2 mil records and we laod into teradata. Next day we will use as reference for next day. This process will reapete daily.

My question is about performence which way would be correct
1. loading the daily files into working tables and compare with target
2. directly compare the files with target tables(scd).


3. using teradata scripts to load the daily data into work tables and do the SCD?

which approch is the best way

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 5:01 pm
by deva
Hi I didn't receive any reply for my email. In datastage 8.1 or 8.5 we are using connectors . So which way is best for loading data into teradata table.

so what would be the difference between using connecters and using script for loading/miving data into files.