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Teradata Connector Error while Update and Insert the data

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:32 pm
by smart2786
Teradata connector stage error while loading the data to the target teradata table. I am getting the following error.

BRNZ: [IIS-CONN-DAAPI-000083] Unexpected character found at offset 9 parsing parameter 0 (CC_DBStmtParamParser::getNextToken, file CC_DBStmtParamParser.cpp, line 245)

does any one faced with this issue.

Please help me in this issue.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 11:53 pm
by ray.wurlod
Welcome aboard.

What is the character at offset 9 in line 245?

Re: Teradata Connector Error while Update and Insert the dat

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 4:55 pm
by smart2786
Hello Ray

I have deleted all the data from dataset and finally created a dataset with one record, Now I am getting an new error while using teradata connector stage.

BRNZ,0: /apps/IBM/InformationServer/Server/PXEngine/bin/osh: symbol lookup error: /apps/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSComponents/bin/ undefined symbol: _ZN3ncr8teradata6client3API10ConnectionC1Ev

My Design is like this

dataset --------> Terdata Connector Stage.

I have also tried this job by replacing ODBC Enterprise stage in Target

Dataset --------> ODBC Enterprise Stage

ODBC_Enterprise_13,0: [DataDirect][ODBC lib] Program type out of range
ODBC_Enterprise_13,2: Operator terminated abnormally: received signal SIGSEGV

Please help me in this issue..

Thank you...